

"I have a better idea!" said Froggy.
"What?" said Max.
"Let's go to my house for a sleepover!"
When they got back to Froggy's, they tiptoed inside in the dark, Quiet...Quiet...
Amazon | Froggy's Sleepover | London, Jonathan, Remkiewicz, Frank ...
The frog called Froggy was looking forward to sleepover with his friend, Max.
His mother was cooperative with him, so she made him chocolate fly cookies.
He prepared for sleepover. His mother told him to not forgetting to taking cookies and to brush his teeth. At Max's house, Max invited Froggy to talk scary stories and throw pillows all night long. Then, Froggy suggested his house. They walked the road quietly. Froggy asked his mother to cook popcorn. Kindly, she did it. After they were eating that, they were having a wild pillow fight. But...Max told that he has a tummy ache to Froggy's parents, so Froggy and Max went back to Max's house. But there were still weird sounds and scary shadows there...so they went back to Froggy's. But Max wanted...but Froggy wanted......This has been going on for a while, at last they fell asleep at Max's house—at nine o'clock in the morning.

I think it was so cute story. Probably, they were small children. So they wanted to play and do funny things. But I sympathized them:) It was the first time to sleepover when I was 15 years old, I talked with friends till late at night. It was so pleasant, but in the next morning, I felt fatigue. I think sleepover has wonderful attraction, but I should sleep!:P This story reminded me of my childhood.


flop: 体を投げ出す
sleepover: お泊り会
slap: ぴしゃりとたたく
tiptoe: つま先で立つ、忍び足で歩く
ruckus: 喧騒、口論
munchkin: 小さな子供
weird: 奇妙な

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