
Boys vs. Girls

Amazon | Boys vs. Girls (Foundations Reading Library, Level 5 ...
"What's going on here?" shouts Mr. Woods. He looks at the boys.
He says, "You don't know how to milk the cows at all! You're doing it all wrong. You didn't listen to me." Eric is angry. "But Mr. woods, the girls...," he starts.
Mr. woods stops him. "I don't want to know!" he says. "You must stop this. You mustn't spray milk. You should know better!"
Many students from Bayview High were at Bear Mountain Camp for the weekend. Everybody was very excited. First, they experienced milking cows. Gemma, one of the classmates was not careful, so some milk went into Ryan's face. But after that, she started to have fun, so sprayed milk for the boys on purpose. Other girl also did that. Then, the boys were scolded by Mr. Woods, the owner. He didn't listen to their reason. They were angry, and revenged for the girls. Then, in the same way, the girls were scolded by Mr. Woods. Things like this continued for a while. The boys had plots again, but it caused terrible things. What would happen to them?

I think the characters are about the same age as us, but they're too immature! There are things we can do and we mustn't do. Doing mischief may be funny, but they should considered calmly. I think too much mischief can lead to terrible things! Even so, I enjoyed reading this story!


cabin: 船室、客室、小屋、小さな家

3 件のコメント:

  1. shouts Mr. woods.
    shouts Mr. Woods.

    Doing mischief may funny
    Doing mischief may be funny

  2. I thought this book was very funny!

    1. OK, I'll correct it.
      Thank you! I think so, too!



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